An organization’s most important asset is its members. The SVC is no different. We are a diverse group of artist craftsmen and supporters who love to make a difference in the world around us through fine craft. Our members include those who love to be wood turners, jewelry makers, potters, photographers, painters, mixed media and fiber, among others. We strive to serve as inspiration for those in our chapter, as well as those we meet out in the world at large. We invite you to get to know us.
Architects, sculptors, painters, we all must return to the crafts! For art is not a ‘profession.’ There is no essential difference between the artist and the craftsman. The artist is an exalted craftsman.
Walter Gropius
Toby Bouder
President, SVC
TB Woodturner
Judy Bouder
Secretary, SVC
J. Bees Pressed Flower Pictures
Lynne Hoffman
Fiber Craft
Bits & Pieces by Lynne
Connie Deibler
Mixed Media Creations
Connie Deibler Designs
Matt & Jenn Lauder
Stained Glass
MJ Lauder Stained Glass

Lisa McConnell
McConnell Jewelry Designs
Peach Michael
Fiber Crafts
Hats by Peach
Dawn Reese
Dawn Reese Jewelry Designs
Donna Spangler
PA Fraktur
Robin Wheeler
Wheel of Light Studio
James Wheeler
Arkansawyer Photography